Round tables

Round Tables

An inter-community dialogue, held at close intervals between distinguished intellectuals and university professors based in Qatar; to discuss issues of dialogue and social issues of interest to communities in Qatar; to promote confidence and foster peaceful coexistence among individuals of different cultures and affiliations.

The Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue (DICEC) aims at bringing together Qatari society in all its components, focusing on the communities living in Qatar in particular, and aims to foster a culture of constructive community dialogue, which will enable bridges of understanding between the different sectors of society and accept the other. A humanitarian partnership based on ethical values across cultural and religious diversity; to develop a shared culture of tolerance, peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and coexistence; roundtable discussions therefore address community issues of concern to residents in all areas of their lives.

The objectives of these meetings can be summarized as follows:

Creating a productive community dialogue on issues related to the situation of residents, as well as an opportunity for government representatives to answer some of the participants' questions, as well as clarifying the measures and measures taken by the state in developing and improving services provided to the communities.

Contribute to the promotion of peaceful coexistence, and facilitate the acceptance of the Qatari society for religious and cultural pluralism, within the convergence of cultures and enrich each other.

:The topics covered by the round tables are as follows

The first roundtable was

organized in 2010 entitled:

``Dialogue of communities in Qatar under religious diversity``

The second roundtable was

organized in 2011 and was in the field of education under the title:

The role of education in strengthening ties between the communities in Qatar

Roundtable 3:

Organized in 2012, and was in the field of media entitled:

(community dialogue in the local media).

Roundtable 4:

Organized in 2014, and was in the field of education, entitled:

(harnessing the moral values of our time).

Roundtable 5:

organized in 2015 and was about the Qatari law entitled:

Legal Culture in the State of Qatar.

Roundtable 6:

Organized in 2016, entitled ``Families of Qataris:

Opportunities and Challenges

Roundtable 7:

organized in 2016 and was about ``Education of Expat Children``:

in Qatar, highlighting its challenges, and opportunities

Roundtable 8:

Organized in 2017, entitled ``The Expatriate Community under Siege``:

Solidarity and Challenges

Roundtable 9:

organized in 2018 and was about ``Blockade``:

in Blockade crisis challenges, and opportunities